About Us
We created Lightning Law™ to increase access to evidence, to make the search for justice faster and more efficient, and to lighten the burden on our courts.
Our Story
Lightning Law™ began when an attorney wanted to spend less time in hotels and airplanes and more time at home. But how could one effectively meet with clients, attend mediations, take depositions and argue at hearings with only the "business" video and document tools that existed in 2019? It was too clunky, screen sharing and sending files were not the answer. There had to be a better "lawyer specific" way.
And so, Lightning Law™ was born, a legal technology platform with the tools to practice law and emulate the in-person lawyer experience. Along the way we found that these tools did more than recreate legal meetings and proceedings, they enhanced them, making lawyers faster, smarter and better advocates. This, in turn, brought more justice to more clients, wherever they were located.
Lightning Law's™ patented technology is a true integration of electronic documents and video, allowing for easy and efficient online workflow, with many happy clients and attorneys.
Get justice, anywhere.
Attorneys want to spend less time traveling and more time with their clients. Clients want to be able to effetely communicate, review evidence and make their case. Lightning Law™ is the answer.
Our Goal
Our goal is to move justice online to increase access to justice and reduce redundancies that result from constantly shifting from all the different business software legal professionals typically use to get their work done. On our platform you meet with clients and they upload their documents and video files. Instead of sending emails back and forth you can annotate those documents, communicating with your clients right in their war room. Next time you meet via video, you meet right there, next to those documents, in the same virtual conference room where you met before and have been working.
Those same documents become part of your workflow. Create a meeting and share those documents, controlling who can see, annotate or download or print them. When it comes time to mediate, the documents and video (also annotatable) are all right there in Lightning Law, where your mediation will take place. Soon there will be no reason to leave the platform where you can take depositions and go to Court.
Along the way, we see ways to make a difference for all litigants.
Remote legal proceedings can deliver essential translators, make scheduling mediations and depositions easier, and can allow in-court appearances for litigants. Remote proceedings effectively open the courthouse doors to those who might otherwise never “step foot” in it. More justice brings more light.
Our Team

Alisa Brodkowitz
Alisa is the past president of King County Washington Women Lawyers and of the Aviation Section of the American Association of Justice. Frustrated with the limited tools available to practice law remotely remote depositions or present witnesses remotely at trial Alisa founded Lightning Law to provide a solution to these problems. Along the way, she found that by innovating in the area of remote legal services she could help increase access to justice and empower pro bono attorneys and their clients. Lightning Law blends her goals of remote litigation, equitable treatment of court reporters and other legal service providers and low-cost entry into a system that benefits all parties.

Scott Graff
Scott Graff has spent over 24 years as an engineer at Microsoft. For over fifteen years his specific area involved the .gov sector, building high security solutions. He has deep experience with Azure integrations. A senior engineer, he is CTO and Chief Architect at Lightning Law. Scott believes in engineering for social impact as a way to change the world. He and Alisa have been friends for over 25 years and dreaming of Lightning Law for the past ten.

Dineen Squillante
Dineen has extensive experience in customer relations, efficient workflow, software training, and effective business management. Over the past 30 years, Dineen has been a certified stenographer covering Vermont, New York, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. She has owned and operated her own stenography business, Double D Reporting, since 1994.
Alex Tsetsenekos
Strategic Advisor
Alex is an insurance and technology executive who has been building and leading insurance and InsurTech organizations with expertise in the areas of risk management, underwriting, product, data and technology. He has worked for a variety of organizations in key roles. These include, Luminar Technologies, as Head of Insurance. He led and built Tesla Insurance. He served as Chief Underwriting Officer for Lemonade at their launch in 2016, as Global Head of Consumer Proposition Development at Zurich Insurance, and as GM of the Property and Analytics P&L for LexisNexis.

Jdg. Laura Inveen (ret.)
Advisory Board Member
Judge Inveen joined the Lightning Law Advisory Board in 2020, following her retirement and tenure of 27 years as King County Superior Court Judge. As a powerful voice in both King County and Washington state judicial affairs, Judge Inveen brings valuable expertise to Lightning Law’s courtroom operations.